SAAPedia EN Microcapsule

Phytolacca Decandra Root Extract

Time: 2016-04-04 15:36:54; Count: 3

Phytolacca Decandra Root Extract


Phytolacca americana, ext.;

Pokeweed, ext. (CASRN: 84961-56-8);


Natural Surfactant

> Plant Extract

>> Multicomponent Extract

Chemical Numbering System

CASRN: 84961-56-8

EINECS: 284-645-5

Molecular Formula & Molecular Weight

Molecular Formula: N/A

Molecular Weight: N/A




Appearance    (1), solid; or liquid. Appearance is related to components of extract.

Solubility    soluble in water; or slightly soluble in water; or insoluble in water. Solubility is related to components of extract and solvent used for extraction, etc.

Stability    stable.

Risk    Solid (or liquid) form: flammable material; irritation, irritation to skin, eye, respiratory system. Harmful products of combustion are CO, CO2 and so on. Contact with strong oxidants, can cause to burn.

GHS (Rev.10) label:  

Ecology    may be hazardous to environment. Water body should be given special attention.

Biodegradability    biodegradable.

Characteristics    excellent anti-oxidizing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, dispersing abilities. Performance is related to components of extract.



Quality Standards & Test Methods

1, Physical and chemical indexes


Physical and chemical indexes

Solid (or liquid)

Actives, %, ≥


Test Methods

(1), Actives

GB/T 13173 Surface active agents -- Detergents -- Testing methods

2, Hazardous substances indexes


Hazardous substances indexes

Solid (or liquid)

Heavy metals (as Pb), mg/kg, ≤


As, mg/kg, ≤


Test Methods

(1), Heavy metals (as Pb)

Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)

GB/T 30799 The test method of food detergents -- Determination of heavy metals

(2), As

Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)

GB/T 30797 The test method of food detergents -- Determination of total arsenic

3, Further explanation

(a), On physical and chemical indexes: firstly, shall be indicated carbon atom distribution; secondly, shall be indicated average molecular weight.

Major Uses

1, Typical applications

Use as antioxidant.

Use as antibacterial agent.

2, Personal care products

Further information:

(1), In accordance with Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition) of China, be included in plant (animal) components prohibited in cosmetics.

(2), In accordance with EU regulations (EC) 2009/1223, directive 2000/11/EC, be included in Annex II/374.


Phytolacca Americana is a plant with toxicity, and has hepatotoxicity.



Update: 20210307(1);


[Terminology] Dispersion system

[Terminology] Vesicle

Pandect of Ester surfactants (1): Definition

[Terminology] Van Der Waals force

[Terminology] Micellar aggregation number


Test methods of surfactants, catalog, Chinese national standards

Surfactants, catalog, Chinese national standards